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Executioner: “He said an hour.”

Jake Talbert: “That is too long! That will be about 5pm and execution will be reset for tomorrow.”

Pastor White: “Tomorrow is ok with me.”

Jake Talbert: “You don’t understand, I’ll explain later.”

Pastor White: “Where is Brother Thomas?”

Jake Talbert: “Huh? Oh, me and you have things to do.”

Executioner: “You want be doing much in an hour.”

Jake takes James hand and walks towards them but the way the structure is built they cannot see them from that side and must walk around to see them.

When they walk around they cannot see them and wonders if they have escaped or if it is some kind of trick.

At that point James and Jake walk out from under them on the opposite side.

Jake Talbert: “Tell Rodger what happened. Tell him I will not be here long enough for him to make it.”

The Executioner is reconnected to Rodger Schwartz and can be heard telling him all that happened.

Schwartz: “Blow them up.”

The executioner looks down at them and says, “The Boss says blow ya up!”

Jake Talbert: "Thank goodness!”

Pastor James: Takes a step back from Jake and looks him over really good. “Ok, it’s you. Let’s do it Whatever it is!”

Executioner: “These guys are crazy. Let down the top and blow it up.” Shouting down at James and Jake he says. “Rest in pieces.”

The cover comes down and as they walk off.

James shuts his eyes in prayer.

The executioner group hears the horrific explosion.

The incinerator starts automatically and the fire burns very hot

after about 20 minutes.

Executioner: “That’s funny, I don’t smell any flesh.”

Jake and James appeared in the chapel of the church that James had pastured for years.

James: “Wow! You had me going there for a while.  Now what is our next task?”

Jake Talbert: “Your next task, will be to take these and others to the several compounds that Thomas showed you.”

© Copyright April 2010





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