Bill Sullivan     About God Questions And Answers

1. Some say God already knew that all that has happened was going to happen before he created the world and all things are happening in exactly that way. If that happens to be the case and no one has ever changed any thing that was going to happen, Why does God claim that he is trying to change people or that people have free will?
That is not how God created the world. He is not sitting there playing out things that he knew was going to happen billions of years ago without change. Nope. (How boring) In fact he created a dynamic universe, where he REFUSES to make the decision in his mind that many of those things are set in stone. If he did, there would be no one that could ever do any thing else. God is constantly agitating the situation and he has giving man that ability, to affect himself, God and thus the universe. Here are a couple of scriptures that show this to be the case but there are many more:
1. Jeremiah 18:1-12, where God is explaining that he could shape everything but that he does not. He is saying that things can actually change, but the people are saying NOPE. There is no hope, we gonna do what we gonna do.
2. ISAIAH 38:1-5) if Hezekiah was always going to fie 15 years later, then nothing was ever added to his life. In short, because God is not CAUGHT into a situation that he cannot change, neither is the world and universe. It is different from what we have been told.

Scripture says God only has immortality (1 Timothy 6:16)
That being the case are there any other immortal souls?
No… And there is no way to make that error fit.
** Example if you claim, well it is not true of the flesh but some inner soul, the so-called real you is already immortal, then you still without knowing it is saying scripture is wrong.
Here are a couple scriptures to help, there are many more:
1, Ezekiel 18:20 ;  Psalm 22:29; Psalm 78:39 Also the Apostle Paul explain it in 1 Cor. 15:45-55.. If this was not true then the Gospel would be Stupid. Why seek for eternal life, if you already have it. If you claim to have it, just where would eternal life come from? Only God has it. That is why eternal life is all about getting to know him and abiding in his way of living. That through His Spirit is what it means to abide in him.

ABOUT GOD (three)

Some think Jesus was not really made human and was just wearing a flesh suit. Is that true?
1. Scripture says the Word was made Flesh (John 1:14
2. Scripture says it was so that he could die. Hebrews 2:14
3. The Apostle John who wrote in (1) about that the WORD was made flesh, later added this necessary information (1 John 4:1-3

ABOUT GOD (four)
Did Yeshua (Jesus) know everything while he dwelt as a fleshy human?
NO… Here are just a couple of many scriptures:
1. Matthew 24:36 is proof all by itself.
2. Hebrews 5:8-9, he had to learn
3. John 5:20, It was the intent of the Father that he be made like us.

ABOUT GOD (five)

Did Yeshua (Jesus) actually die as it is described in scriptures;
Psalm 146:4, Ecclesiastes 9:2-6 ; Ecclesiastes 12:7; and Acts 2: 26-34: That is knowing nothing while dead?
YES… If not it was a big joke; him just playing a role; bait and switch and it would not be true that he died at all. This is what many of the TV star preachers and or priests actually believe. Ask you minister and see where he stands.


Can you believe that Yeshua (Jesus) was really in an agony before Crucifixion because he put off immortality to come and be one of us and actually DIE?
 YES… Scripture says he was. Luke 22:41-45


If Yeshua (Jesus) really died could he have been the same person as the Father?
NO…. Scripture says the dead knows nothing (Ecclesiastes 9:5-6)

Yeshua (Jesus) could not raise up himself; he had to be raised by the Father, correct?
YES…. They are different persons. John 8:17-19; which brings us back to the original thought of this post, since Jesus said getting to know HIM and the FATHER and he just explained in John above that they are two separate persons. Here are few more scriptures about this matter: John 15:28; John 20:17; 1 Cor. 15:24-28

Also if you believe the Scriptures in question 7 about death, you know someone else had to raise Christ. And please do not use that unique way to error, by saying God can do anything. That is just a way to believe anything that is not true. God will not just do anything. He has done and will do what his Word says.

Why does all this matter? Because if most all you believe about a person is wrong, you cannot know them very well or at all in some cases. If as Christ says knowing him and the Father is what eternal life is all about  then let us forget denomination-ism and believe the word of God as new born babes who have not been indoctrinated by any other erroneous ideas. They looking at God the Father and out Lord Yeshua, we can understand better they themselves and what it is that they were willing to do for us. Just know the scripture that says we need to love our fellow man as ourselves or that we should love God with all our hearts is not enough. All the Pharisees and Sadducees knew that passage, because it came from the book of the law. Or living what you THINK is God enough to die for it, is not enough. We know Muslims would will crawl for miles on their knees until they are mangled or beat their backs until they are bloody or kill and be killed , is not enough to know God. We need to know the truth about him and hopefully we will get to go further than these 8 questions. There is a lot more that we have known that is not true!


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