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Hammond: “Everything in my being tells me that it is misinformation at its finest, but seeing it with my own eyes causes my mind to beg the question, who has the capacity to carry out such  deception with such technology.”

 “The truth be told, this type of phenomenon has been going on for thousands of years.”

“I have tried to jump to the logic that all these things are cause by aliens and alien technology. It makes no sense. Why you may ask?”

“Ok, if they were aliens; 1. Why so many of them? 2. I estimate that there has been millions of sighting over the last two thousand years along. This is not research as we can understand it. 3. There are lots of less romantic credible reports about their involvement in and association with getting people involved with  cults and the occult or even destruction of villages in Africa.”

“Most of what they do seems to be involved with causing some reaction with an individual or small group of individuals. This is a most important principle in slow methodical mass changes of some sort.”

 Hammond: “Am I making you feel spooky or possibly thinking
that I am loosing my mind?”

Carol: “On the contrary, it makes what I need to tell you easier.”

Hammond: “What do you mean?”

Carol: “Well a couple days ago A man named Thomas came to town. I can’t believe that I had that spirit of divination in me.  I though my mind was communicating with a spirit guide. A dead Indian man that once lived in this town.”

Carol: “But this Thomas just said come out of her in the name of Yeshua and I have been feeling wonderful every since. The sicknesses that I use to complain about are all gone.”

Hammond: “What did you say his name was?”

Carol: “Thomas”

Hammond: “A few days ago, I captured a man named Thomas.”

Carol: “I remember hearing that you captured someone and took him to a facility in Arizona, right? This Man was in Tricot with a purpose. He completed it and moved on. He said that dead people know nothing and cannot interact with the world of the living. It is all for deception, he says. Mr. Thomas also believes that Satan the devil is seeking to deceive the whole world through various methodologies.”

 Carol: “He also told Tabitha that her understanding of the secrets of Masonry was incorrect.”

 Hammond: “He sounds like a head job. One of those real know-it-all types, huh?”

Carol: “No, it liberated Tabitha. You know how she believed that her Dad was involved with a cult that actually promoted the idea of Angels mating with women and producing hybrid children?”

© Copyright April 2010





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