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Barmaid: Quickly grabbing the menu and replacing it with another.“Sorry, that was not your menu. My mistake,” Judy the barmaid said.

At that time Victoria walks in with Johnnie whom she had met outside.

Johnnie: “Hi Judy, would you bring me the usual, please?”

Judy: (the barmaid) “Certainly. Hello Victoria.”

Victoria: “Hi Judy.”

Dana: “Judy. I always liked that name. I would like to try your 8 ounce steak. Make it rare. I don’t want the nutrition cooked out of it. If you know what I mean?”

Judy: “I certainly do. Looks like I had you pegged wrongly.”

Johnnie: Getting to brass tacks about the situation.  “Victoria, the real reason that I wanted you here is so that none of the Vampires notices that you stopped coming at our usual time. There is something big about to happen. The Vamps are saying that they will get rid of their enemies this very week. It could come at any point. I don’t want
 you in that mix. They also say that they will get rid of that religious nut that came through here claiming that he is some kind of man of God.”

Now Dana could hear a little of what they were saying but she was not interested.

Victoria: “Do you mean Thomas Hankins?  I thought you said that they had run him off or something?”

Dana thought she heard the name Hankins and that made her
 listen a little more closely.

Johnnie: “I never said they did anything to him, just that he had not been
 heard from but tonight, I heard them say that they will get rid of him.”

Victoria: “Thomas Hankins does not appear to be a man that will
run from Vampires.”

Dana: Speaking loudly. “Did I hear someone mention Thomas Hankins?
I am looking for him.”

Johnnie: Staring at Dana)”Who are you and what do you know about him?”

Dana: “I am Mrs. Hankins. Have one of you seen my husband?”

Upon hearing that Judy immediately left the room and made a phone call.

Meanwhile Kelly arrived at the Shifter to meet with authorities to invalidate the agreement that she had with them. One met her outside and told her that she would be retained for a short time because they had
an immediate emergency.

Kelly: “Retained! Am I being arrested or something?”

Werewolf leader: As two others seemed to turn into wolves. “Just detained for now.”

© Copyright April 2010





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