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Brooks: “I don’t have to say Healthcare rationing and make the state angry, just teach them to take care of each other and provide what is needed. I still teach them about the Sabbath, even though we may be forced to meet on Sunday because God made every day. We do well on Easter and Halloween because it is lawful to do good everyday. But they learn the truth about it all. I feel that we are being wise as serpents but harmless as doves.”

Some folk spoke up out of the congregation. One was named Mitchell.

Mitchell: “But Elder James White would never have done it this way. They haven’t even had the courtesy to tell us what has happened to him.” 

Brooks: “Did not Daniel dwell in Babylon; a land of a strange God?  Did he at all challenge the authorities?  No, he did not! What The Pastor James White has done, though we love him, is bring on himself and those that sought to speak for him needless sorry. See here is the way because they cannot judge us for what we have in our hearts
and Jesus’ Kingdom is not of this world.”

Some other church members of like mind as Brooks spoke saying.

Brooks: “We agree with the Pastor Brooks. Persecution of our church members have all but stopped since we have decided to render to Caesar as written.”

Jake Talbert: “Don’t be deceived.  There is a time for all things. Would loving parents stand still and watch while their innocent children are being harmed without interceding against any authority? Did David’s silence and service to King Saul Keep the King from wanting to kill him when he knew the Kingdom would be given to David? Did our
 LORD Yeshua seek to be silent to save himself form the authorities of
Israel and the power of Caesar? No my friends, if he had we would have all been doomed! Know this, they that seek to save their lives in this world will loose it hereafter and those that lose their lives for Christ Sake will gain everlasting life. Now, James White will be back to lead this flock to higher ground. Those that will follow him and those that will not obey my voice stay here.”


© Copyright April 2010





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