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Hammond arriving in Morgue town, decided to visit a friend who engages in paranormal investigation.

As he begins his quest in the same town where Thomas Hankins has been sent, he hasn’t a clue that Thomas Hankins is spending a few days in a cave nearby.

Hammond dialing the phone number of Mr. Joseph Moon.

Joseph Moon: “Joseph speaking.”

Hammond: “Mr. Moon, this is Hammond. I am on my way to your house, right now.”

Joseph Moon: “Well, I was on my way out. How long will it be before you get here?”

Hammond: “About 30 seconds," he says, as he prepares to reach for the door bell.

Joseph Moon: Quickly reaches for the door and opens it before Hammonds can ring the door bell. “Mr. Hammond, to what do I owe this occasion? Seems like that last time we talked, you thought I was nuts.”

Hammond: “Joseph, we have been friends a long time. What you were asking about the last time we talked, I now have been asking myself and getting answers, I think."

Joseph Moon: “Are you sure you are feeling ok? Come on in and have a seat. I am doing nothing so very important that I would miss this.  Now as I remember it, I questioned your psychic ability.  Not that is doesn’t happen,
but that it seemed to make no sense but to be for three different things."

1."Make believers in something indefinable.
2. Confuse you and
 3. Confuse others.

Joseph Moon: “I am not saying that I am correct but…”

Hammond: “I have come to believe that you are correct. I see men that can continue working these areas and have in the pass as well as today, and it is when taken as a whole impossible to show logic in it."

Hammond: “My so-called abilities, suffer from exactly the same type mysteries as does UFOs, Big Foot, Ghosts and other paranormal activity. That is, despite of how many people separately or together witness or believe, there seems that no controls can be applied to these phenomena in a way to absolutely verify them. Furthermore, the events that occur during these happenings when applied to logical conventions show that they are done in exactly the way to cause confusion or deception.”

Joseph Moon: “That’s exactly what I was trying to say last time but didn’t know how to put it without making you angry. It’s like the ghosts, me and the team used to cover.”

Hammond: “Use to cover?”

© Copyright April 2010





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