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Tabitha: “Would you like to talk about it?”

Dana: “You think I am weak or something?”

Tabitha: “No, I think I know better than that.”

Dana: “I don’t mean physically.”

Tabitha: “I know.”

Dana: “It’s just that it has all been up to me. It was never his fault.”

Sally: “It takes two to tango, you know.  It’s not likely it was all your doing.”

Tabitha: “Actually, it only takes one to mess up.”

Both Sally and Dana looks at Tabitha. Tabitha, did the zip the mouth up motion, and just sat and was quiet.

Dana: Looked at Tabitha and then turned to Sally. "It was me."

Tabitha: Nodding her head.  “ummmm humm.”

Then when Dana and Sally looked at her again, she did the zip mouth again.

Dana: “But he still loves me or else he would not have come to see me some days ago. He has saved my bacon many times. I have been into so many things running from all that he stands. I have not been able to forget
him and I have tried.”

Tabitha: “You got it bad!”

Sally and Dana, looked at Tabitha again.

Tabitha: “Well I am part of this conversation. I kind of earned it, you know.”

Dana: “Well Miss Tabitha, I heard that you had it so bad for him that people said they could smell him on you. I had
 heard a few things but that one got to me.”

Tabitha: “Sally!”

Sally: “I never said anything like that to Dana.  Oh no Dana, you must have met and talked to Freda.”

Dana: "A very short haired woman.”

Sally: “Yep, that’s her.”

Tabitha: “So you did say that about me having his smell in me.”

Sally:”It was only Freda and it did seem like I could smell him on you.” Sally looks at Dana bewildered.
 “Sorry, she said.”

Dana: “It’s ok. I don’t worry about any woman getting an
 inside track on him!”

Tabitha: “No, you’ll kick her butt!”

They both got up at the same time and Sally got between them.

Dana: Turning towards the door with her back to Sally and Tabitha. “I think I better go.”

Sally seeing that Tabitha is about to say something, put her whole hand over her mouth.

© Copyright April 2010





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