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David: “Meet me in the Chapel. Bring the no battery flash light.”

So, Peter and David both moved quickly to make it to the chapel room. They needed to restore power before someone in the compound did something foolish.

David: “Peter, the power room is below your feet.  It was not put into the blue print in a manner that most people recognize. Notice there are 2 places where the Schematics are made with double lines. That was done because there is a room below. It was done twice so that it would not be an anomaly and stand out.”

Peter: “Smart man!”

David: “Yea and I helped to build it. This one is run by hydrogen fuel, so as to not produce detectable carbon. The other can be ran by a diverted unknown water source from the mountain.” 

Peter: “How can anything be hidden these days?”

David: “The source is an underground stream. There is other stuff we will have to figure out if Gina does not know.  He raised lots of money and had different builders do different things. Most of these were Christian men.” 

Peter: “Wow! This is beginning to be very intriguing.”

David: “There is a chance that others may come here.  I remember that he said that this place had to be
 big for many people.”

Peter: “There are over 100 people here now.”

David: “Yet there is room for at least 5000 people and a way that all could live comfortable. I remember
Mr. Thomas saying so.”

This they were saying as David was seemingly trying to open the floor. Every object that he touched, he tried to manipulate to make the floor move. Finally, he saw a structure similar to the one that allowed him entrance
to the compound.

It could move, so he tried the 666 formula that Thomas gave him. It didn’t work.

He tried the number 777 because it means completeness. 

Peter: “What are you doing?”

David: “Hold on a minute, he said to peter." He remember that Thomas said the number 8 represents a
new beginning. So he tried the formula with the number 8.

A stairwell opens in a corner of the room.

David: “YES", David said. As he and Peter rushes to and down the passage.

David looked around trying to remember things told him years ago.

David: “Peter, pull that lever over there.”

Peter: “Are you sure nothing is going to blow up?”

David: “I trust Mr. Thomas. If it was that dangerous, he would not have made it.”

Peter pulls the lever.

© Copyright April 2010





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