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Gina: “You know David; you are just 20 miles from your job. Don’t you think that you being missing will cause a search for you? Wouldn’t it be better if you are in place to help those that are being taken in custody?”

David: “I have thought of that but what will I do, say not this one and yes let’s keep that one? I refuse to leave you and Tom. Dad wanted me to stay here and protect you 2.”

Gina: “Actually, you were not doing that great against my attack.”

David: “Well, I didn’t want to hurt you," he said. Then he held her and kissed her.

Gina: “you would not be abandoning us. What you will be doing is helping as many as you can. At a time like this, will God be pleased if we don’t do whatever we can to help other Christians?”

David: “I hate it when you are right! What about Tom?  What about this place? What about your Dad asking me to take care of you and Tom. It’s been too long and I cannot bear to think that something could happen
to put me back into that malaise.”

Gina: “Can you live with yourself, if you don’t take my advice?”

David: “I have a couple more days that I could take before I have to report. I will make a decision by then. You tell Tom, what we are considering. I need to hear what he thinks.”

All of a sudden, different areas of the compound began to report that their electric power had begun to shut down. 

Peter: Speaking on the intercom. “Please no one panic. The authorities are shutting down the power in this area. It is manipulating the smart power grid to see where people are and possibly how many. No one touch any thing that uses power or they will find us. We have another source of power. Give me time.”

Peter: “David, Gina, your Father said that they would be doing this. They will be able to control people by controlling their energy, heating and lighting in the name of green equity and social justice. I have been going over these blue prints and I cannot see where the power room is.”

Gina: “I know where that is. No one else needed to know until now.”

Peter: ‘Why wouldn’t your dad trust me? I mean what if something happens to you?”

Gina: “Maybe he knew I would be ok, or something. I don’t know.”

David: “I also know how to get to it. I helped to build it.”

Peter: “How cozy!”

© Copyright April 2010





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