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Julie and Ted had talked on the 666 MHz band and had decided to tell his Dad about Ms. Polly’s Mother. But
Jake had dreamed about her and knew that Ted and Julie wanted to contact him.

He walks up to Polly’s house shortly after 6pm and knocks.

Polly: “Who is it?” 

Jake Talbert: “The Doctor.” 

Polly quickly opened the door, thinking that Julie knew a secret.

Jake walked in before she could identify him.

Polly shut the door, then she noticed that it was Jake Talbert and started to run.

Jake Talbert: “Don’t go, I am here for your mother’s sake. Polly your desire has been granted, but you will be required to risk your life for the truth’s sake. Your mother will live and see good days.”

Polly: “What is it that God wants me to do?”

Jake Talbert: “You sit in a position to help many. Yet it will be at the peril of your life, Julie’s and Ted’s."

Jake Talbert: “Julie and Ted will inform you what to do.”

At that point her Mother walks in and brought him a meal.

Polly’s Mom: “I dreamed that a man named Talbert was at the door and that I was supposed to go to the refrigerator
and bring you a meal. The best to you man of God.”

Then when Jake was finished.

Polly's Mom: “Is there anything else I can do to send you on your way?”

Jake Talbert: “You have done well, be of good cheer, both your prayers have been heard. Never forget it. There are
 things far worse than you have dealt with. Study to learn all that you can about what God is doing, so you will understand. Julie and Ted can help you with this."

Polly: “Oh my God, the recording system, everything that we have said is recording.”

Jake Talbert: “Only what you are saying has been recorded. As far as they know, you are sitting in here practicing. Say, this probably will work, if I ever need to run some criminal off.”

Polly thinking that’s genius, repeated what he told her to say.

Jake turned and left but not before Polly’s Mom gave him bread, meat and water for his journey.

© Copyright April 2010





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