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Nothing these days are as they once were. Rights mean nothing any more. Every thing seems to be administrative process and the constitution is little considered.

Thomas: “Thank you Father, I understand now, the rain, the boar, the accident all worked together to give time to finish my task here.”

 “All this because I did not do it at the time allotted me.”

“Because of the hardness of men hearts and personal desires, all of us have come short of the glory of God.”

“However my Father, consider this, that you loved us while we were evil. Should not a son aspire to be
 like his father?”

As he approached the building where the chief Wizard was, a lost python came out of the woods and wrapped around
him. Thomas, still on his feet, rubbed the snake’s head and it unwound and slithered away.

When Thomas approached the door of the building a group of Doberman Pinchers ran out towards him.

Thomas: Raised one hand and said  “Cease.”

They stopped on a dime, returned and was not seen again.

When he assayed to walk inside it seemed to be a 30 feet deep pit with various snakes and gruesome creatures
 on the floor.

Thomas appears to walk across thin air as he went to the middle of the room.

Thomas: "Is this the best you can do Mephisto?”

Mephisto: “There are 77 Wizards with me, the best in the world.”

Thomas: “Sorry, from what I hear the most powerful wizard is in Rome”

Mephisto: “You refer to that Roman Pebble?”

Thomas: “I refer to the false Prophet!”

Mephisto: “And you are the real prophet we’re to believe in,  Huh?  You should know that many preachers have run off screaming to their mothers after taking on that which they knew not. Even in the Bible, the two best prophets of all times fall at the hand of the so-called false Prophet.”

Thomas: “What you read was but an episode in a story about total victory.”

Mephisto: “Let’s cut out the BS and tell it like it is.  We both serve the same entity. I am just at a higher level
than you. You cannot defeat 77 masters.”


© Copyright April 2010





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