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At that moment, Hammond looks quickly at Carol and asked.

Hammond: “So what did this Thomas guy say?”

Carol: "I was unconscious after he cast the spirit out of me, but from what Tabitha says, he said that Satan is mounting a world wide lie to deceive man and yes I have been contemplating what you are thinking about right now. He said that there has been a misunderstanding for a long time and that the production of Children by Satan is not physical but spiritual through lies.”

Hammond: "If he is correct. This could mean many millions of trans-dimensional  working together for a single cause.  And they would likely use all the principles I mentioned above. At least, it seems to fit.” 

They became very quiet and Carol moved against Hammond and laid her head on his shoulder.

Carol: “Oh yes, he said that we would hardly see any of these flying lights for a month.”

: “If he can pull that one off. I need to speak to him. He knows more than I could imagine. We will see.”




Gina was taking a nap when David and Tom had last seen her.

David was telling Tom of a way taught him and Gina by his Grandfather that would put a person to sleep in a couple of seconds. He also taught them unusual martial art moves.

Tom just swallows up all things about his grandfather’s exploits. 

Now comes Gina, running and shouting.

Gina: “Something has happened to my dad. I’ve got to get out of here and go see about him!” 

David: “Gina, calm down. I think you are thinking about where your dad might go. You know, where your mom
 is and you feel like it is dangerous for him.”

Gina: “No, that is not it. You watch Tom, and I will see you when I get back.” 

David: “Don’t you mean if you get back? I’ll tell you what. I will go and you watch Tom. I mean, I have failed at so
 much as it relates to you and Tom. You have done a great job with him. He needs you more than he needs me.”

Gina: “Tom has waited to be with his dad long enough. Now that you are here, you cannot leave and
 that from him.”

© Copyright April 2010





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