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David: “Well your Father knows better than to pay attention to all that pagan stuff.  I wouldn’t worry about that.”

 Gina walks off and David follows her. Then she whispers to him.

Gina: “My Mom is my Dad’s weakness.  He has never stopped loving her and I think he would give his life for her.” 

David: “He would not renounce God or something that stupid. I know him.”

Gina: “You are right about that, but remember Adam. Remember Samson!  My Mom is my Dad’s weakness.”

Gina: “What is even more dangerous is that she knows it and if he is going there, we should be in prayer for him."

Now Tobey was meant to be a launching place from which to spread the Gospel, but has deteriorated into a virtual
ghost town, with mostly a cemetery and a few residents. Almost all things needed for the few residents there
come from nearby towns.

Unrequited love can be the bases for the most devastating of things psychologically. It has been the tool used to bring
the best of men and women to their knees or even worst to their destruction.

For a long time now there has been a desire for closure from both sides. There must be finality to it all,
no matter how joyful or painful.


© Copyright April 2010





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