Make Millions
                                                                                   Page 59

The Helicopter lands and Hammond with pride marches Thomas
 past cheering comrades. They were all waiting to see the
 “MAD MAN” as many had started calling Thomas.

Many in this crowd of government workers shouted, mad man
or miracle man as they cheered.

Government worker: (Speaking to another worker) "I told you
that Hammond would get him. You see there is a difference in
a so-called miracle man and Mr. Hammond who has been
scientifically tested, proving his abilities!” 

They gave each other a high-five.

Hammond just passed them by with a smile and a nod. He headed
straight to the office or Rodger Schwartz a joint European-CIA
official, who could hardly wait to see this man so many
called a miracle man.

Hammond walks Thomas in and the eyes of both Thomas and
Rodger lock onto each other.

 Rodger Schwartz: "Why, I see nothing special about you!”

Thomas: "That’s pretty much the same impression I got from
looking at you. The law of reciprocity, I suppose.”

Rodger Schwartz: “Perhaps, but I have the upper hand. I am not
 in chains. Neither am I in the jeopardy of my life.”

Rodger Schwartz: “Mr. Hammond, I heard yesterday that you
 had captured him but didn’t get around to hearing the details.
How many men did we loose taking him?”

Hammond: (Hammond coughs, being caught off guard by the question)
 “Well, actually we lost no one Sir.  I think he may have stumbled upon us
and just decided to give himself up, probably to protect others. I thought
that the best thing to do was to go ahead and bring him in.”

Rodger Schwartz: “Yeah, sure!” Chain him and leave him to me.”

Hammond: “I was told that it would be appreciated, if I accompany
Mr. Thomas to see the President of the United States.”

Rodger Schwartz: “That won’t be necessary. We will skip all formalities
and the Representative of the premier of Germany and a Church
Official will communicate with Mr. Thomas directly."

Hammond: "Since when is meeting with the President a formality?”

Rodger Schwartz: "Mr. Hammond, your services is appreciated but
 no longer needed in this matter.  I would have thought you
knew, being a psychic and all.”

Hammond turns to leave but with a little confusion concerning
 what Rodger meant.


© Copyright April 2010