Make Millions
                                                                                   Page 50

Peter: “I suggest that we also bring in Robert and Sandy.
They are good thinkers and engineers to boot.” In case
something happens to one of us, it will be useful to have
 a couple of others in the know.”

Thomas: ”Ok then. Go to their quarters and bring them in here.
David, I have a friend that they have taken. In addition there are
others that need to hear the Gospel before the night becomes so
dark that no one can speak.”

David: “Are you saying what I think you are?” You will
turn yourself in?” I hope you know that Gina and Tommy
 will never go for it.”

Thomas: “I know. That is why I will leave later in the day when
no one would expect it. I have a secret way to end up in the
mountains, so that they will begin to think the compound is
completely in another direction.”

David: “Then why are you telling me. I cannot lie to them and
 they will hate me, once they find out that I knew and would
 not tell them.”

Thomas: “I am not asking you to lie but tell them the truth
so they will not loose faith. Tell them that nothing fatal can
happen to me until I finish my work and that I understand I
have quite a number of things to do. Tell them, that even
when that time comes to hold on to the faith, because it is
written, “They loved not their lives, even to the death!” We
 all can rule the world together, so be strong.” Tell Tom that
I am counting on him to keep his Mom and Dad thinking
about the things that I have told him and how important it
 will be in helping to keep the people safe.”

After this, Peter shows up with Sandy and Robert. Thomas
took the time to go over all things that he thought they may
need to know. He also gave them blueprints so that they
would have all information needed to think up new ideas
of safety in the compound.

Afterwards they all decided to take a nap.

However, while they took a nap, Thomas left the compound
through a secret way that allowed him to appear to come down
from the mountains.

As Thomas was coming down from the side of the mountain,
he knew he would be spotted by a central office officer that
had been dispatched to find him. The officer’s name
was Hammond.

Hammond: (Speaking to a subordinate): “I have had psychic
powers since I was a kid. I use to dream about this day. I am
certain that I will find him up here, instead of where you all
have been searching in the past.”

Subordinate: “Well good luck with that psychic stuff.” I never
could believe that sort of thing was really possible.”

Hammond: “So tell me, have you and Carol been able to
beat those herpetic breakouts?”

Subordinate: “Who told you? I mean, we have never told anyone.
 Our Doctor, wait till I get my hands on him. I’ll sue him”


© Copyright April 2010