Make Millions
                                                                                   Page 44


Beelzebub: “It is the question among all questions!”

Heylel: “Are my top lieutenants also without wisdom?” To come
 to a draw with Eloi, is also to win but we will do better. Allow me to
explain.” Eloi could never lie, cheat or steal. To him, his character
 and principals are the very faithfulness on which all the universe
and life itself is held together. To take on error in any degree
would mean the complete annihilation of all things."

Heylel: “Now, there is no way even for Eloi, to make sure that
any being other than himself is guaranteed to follow his
rules as long as there is free will.”

Beelzebub: “But why would Eloi try such a thing?”

Belial: “Is he that high on himself?” “All he had to do was just
allow everyone to do whatever they wanted for themselves,
it couldn’t hurt him.”

Heylel: “You don’t understand. When you have it all, you
want more; you also want the seemingly impossible.” Eloi
wants to rule a universe of beings that freely does what Eloi
thinks is best, without even one failing.” Neither would there
be death, nor destruction because all is harmoniously working
together. You cannot do this and allow free will to exist.” My
existence proves that point. Did not he give to me all wisdom
that was being given out?” "So, what can these clay figures do?”

Heylel: “I still envy the fact that even he would take on the
impossible. What do you do when you have it all and can do
everything? Why you create a new thing and do the impossible.”

Heylel: “This troubles me a little because he knows all the
things that I have said.” Even so, we must be aware of all
his secrets that can be searched out. You see he has chosen to
leave certain proofs that he can point back to one day and be
able to say, “I have not kept things secret from the
foundation of the world.”

Heylel: “Now I will play back before your eyes some of the
things that we have seen and explain them.”

With this the Cherub caused a giant three-dimensional screen-like
condition to appear. They appear to be invisibly incorporated into
the scenery. Here Heylel will replay things from Egypt to Babylon

 Heylel: “See here, at Jacob’s death, he gave strange blessings.
 Remember the Elohim had changed his name to Israel.” “This is
what Moses wrote happened when he got ready to pass on the
blessings to his children.”

Heylel:” Notice my friends Jacob indicates that his sons would
become nations that would last till the last days. Remember the
 attributes that they will have because they must be spread
around the world.”


© Copyright April 2010