Make Millions
                                                                               Page 41

Heylel: "Jacob and his sons will all be in Egypt.
Joseph is there and he's the king. You go ahead
metatrone, convine a meeting of all the top officers.
See to it that even the malicious depraved ones
have a way to be informed of what I will tell you

Metatrone wonders if this is really important or
just Heylel trying to send him away. But figured
it sounded so important that he would no involve
so many of their fellows if it wasn't very important.
He then immediately obeyed.


There was something that Ted and Bob did not know
about their phone conversation. Because the authorities
had his dad they thought it would be best to tap Teds
phone. Although Bobs phone was not tapped and he and
Julie were so careful. it was all in vain. The authorities
knew everything. Julie upon finding out about Teds
phone being tapped knew she had better get to him
and Bob very quickly. Besides, many in her office
seemed to be acting differently. She didn't know why.
Maybe they were like her and feel uncomfortable
with the new world order. Instead  of working late
as she was expected to, she fanned sickness.

Julie: "I have to go home. I have this pain in the
pit of my stomach, and I can not stay late tonight."

Fellow workers Pamela Marshall, and Tim Suvic
just looked at her for a good while.

Pamela: 'I've never seen you sick before. You haven't
been fooling around with that Ted fellow and gotten
pregnant have you?" She asked with a smile.

Julie: "No we are basically just friends."

Tim: "That was what I told my wife, and she said
fine but you will pay child support. I mean, we were
only seeing one another at that time but she could have
said I'm pregnant, you know. At least see what I would
do before the threats."

Pamela: "It worked didn't it? Hahaha, and get this.
They didn't have children for two years afterwards."

Tim: "So are you trying to say my wife lied to me?"

Pamela: "No I'm just saying you didn't actually get a
crumb snatcher for two whole years afterwards."

As they were facing each other talking Julie left
without saying bye, which was unlike her.

Tim: "Julie you know.....Julie? She's gone. I guess
she must be sick, she never leaves with out saying bye."

Pamela: "Bye is what you should have said to that
wife of yours."

Tim: "Keep my wife's name out of your mouth."


© Copyright April 2010