Make Millions
                                                                                     Page 33

Jobs wife: "Are you still holding on to all
of that stuff that you believe about Elohim?
Curse him and die."

Job: "You are speaking like the foolish women
speak. Shall we not receive evil at the hands of
the Elohim, as well as the good?"

Out of all this Job did not sin with his lips
 concerning God.

Job had three friends that lived in different
parts of the territory. They heard of all that
happened to Job, and decided on a set time
to go and morn with Job, and comfort him.

These friends were Eliphaz the Temanite,
Bildad the Shuhite, and Zophar the Naamathite.

As they approached from a distance, they saw
Job and could not even recognize him. When
they did recognize him they cried, ripped their
mantles and sprinkled dust upon their heads.

Then they sat upon the ground with Job seven
days and seven nights. Not daring to speak a word
to Job because they saw how terribly he was grieved.
Since Job had grieved so long they thought that
this was the least that they could do. Primarily Jobs
three friends like everyone else believed that Job
had sinned, or God would not have allowed this to
happen to him. Job disagreed.

After seven days and seven nights Job opened
 his mouth and cursed his day.

Job: "Let the day parish of which I was born and the
night in which it was said there is a man child conceived.
Let the stars of the twilight of it be dark. Let it look for
light and have none, neither let it see the dawning of day
because it shut not the doors of my mothers womb. Nor
had sorrow hidden my eyes. Why didn't die from my
mothers womb. Why did I have to breath when I came
out of the belly, instead of lying still and quiet. I would
be at rest. There the wicked cease from troubling. And
the weary be at rest. The small and the great are there.
And the servant is free from his master."


© Copyright April 2010